Trusted & Secure

Materia follows top data security & privacy protocols, aligning with accounting and audit firms' strict standards.

Compliance Standards

Materia takes data security seriously and maintains the highest standards for monitoring and securing your data. We recently completed a rigorous SOC 2 Type II audit and took great pride in our steps to ensure the safety and security of our client's data.

SOC 2 Type II
Trust Portal

You can download our latest SOC 2 report and additional supporting documentation in our Trust Portal.

Overview of Our Security Posture

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Secure with Materia

Materia prioritizes data security and continuously monitors its measures. Our Trust Portal provides access to our monitors, evidence, and policies, and we received our SOC 2 Type II. We partner with Eden Data for robust security controls and processes.


Powerful AI Tools

Materia’s AI uses two processes to handle user queries and provide context for generative AI: Materia's Toolbox and Retrieval Augmented Generation. We assess generative AI providers carefully and ensure contractual and policy protections are in place.


AI Query Handling

Generative AI models are deliberately trained using carefully selected datasets. Materia's technology emphasizes the innovative use of "context" and intelligent data processing, and we are dedicated to never utilizing your data for AI model training.

Who has access

to your data?

We believe in least-privilege access and are working on a solution to balance restricted access with sufficient access for our team to improve our service and product.

Who has access to your data?

We believe in least-privilege access and are working on a solution to balance restricted access with sufficient access for our team to improve our service and product.

Frequently asked questions

How secure is Materia?

Materia takes security seriously. We maintain industry-standard data privacy, encryption, and access controls. We maintain SOC 2 certification. Read more on our Security page.

How does Materia use my data?

Materia holds all your data in a format that can be quickly accessed by AI. When some of your data is needed to answer a user question, only the relevant part of your data is sent to the AI providers.

Can Materia connect to my internal documents?

Materia can integrate with a range of different internal data and document stores. Ask us for information about our knowledge hub for more information.

Who typically uses Materia?

Materia is typically used by accountants from associate to manager, but we have also heard partners and practice protection teams get great value from Materia!

How do we get started?

We make it easy for you to get started on your AI journey, from access to a demo account to short-duration pilots. If you are interested, get in touch.

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